(609) 625-1511
6101 Thirteenth Street
Mays Landing, NJ 08330
(609) 625-0368
Zoning Board Meetings are held on the Fourth Monday of the Month at 6:30 p.m. The May and December meetings are being held on the Second Monday of the Month due to the holiday.
Elaine Valentino
Wayne R. Choyce
William Christman
Diane Fox
Dr. Robert Kahrmann
Bruce Strigh
Peter R. D’Amico
Mark Cohen
Joelle Bridgers
Steven Hartzell
Deborah Ohnemuller
Solicitor: Warren Stillwell
Alternate Solicitor: Vacant
Planner: Robert Watkins (Mott Watkins)
Alternate Planner: Vacant
Engineer: Robert Watkins (Mott Watkins)
Alternate Engineer: Robert Watkins (Mott Watkins)
Landscape Architect: CHRIS CAREY, EDA
Traffic Engineer: VACANT
The Zoning Board of Adjustment is responsible for the review of applications for variances from strict application of the zoning provisions of the Land Use and Development Ordinance (Chapter 203)of the Township Code. Through the public hearing process the Zoning Board makes decisions on applications seeking relief from structural setback, lot size & area, and use restrictions of the Ordinance. The Board also hears appeals of decisions by the Zoning Officer and issues interpretations of the Land Use and Development Ordinance.
The Zoning Board of Adjustment consists of seven members and two alternate members. All members and alternates must be residents of the Township and may not hold any elective office or postion in the Township.